Late-Breaking News (2002)


7/5/2002: Henry Petzal Dies
From Art Pryor: I am Henry Petzal's son. I am sorry to inform you that Henry passed away, quietly, in his sleep on March 15, 2002, at the age of 95. I am the curator of his tools, plans etc. If anyone has any thoughts about these materials, please contact me at: Thank you.

6/13/2002: New SilverChat program installed!
Our SilverChat has been down for a short time, but a new one is up and running now! Try it out.

5/26/2002: This year's winner of the Hans Christensen Sterling Silversmith's Award has been chosen!

4/16/2002: New Low Long Distance Rates!
(Current rate for SAS members: 4.8 cents per minute)
OneStar Long Distance, Inc.
OneStar Customer Service
7100 Eagle Crest Blvd., Evansville, IN 47715

Outstanding flat rate pricing on long distance and 1-800 numbers. 25-60% less than AT&T, Sprint, & MCI. Low international rates, six-second billing (18-second minimum), & comprehensive billing. This rate applies to at least $20 per month in long distance calls. To order this service, ask to be transferred to the "Retention Department." Customer service hours are Mon -Fri: 7:00 a.m. –7:00 p.m., Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.

10/20/2002: National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame Award 2002
The National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame announces that there are two recipients of the 2002 award: Mary Ann Scherr, artist and arts educator from Raleigh, NC and John Prip, artist and arts educator from Cranston, RI.

Ms. Scherr has been active in the field of metalsmithing and design for the past fifty years. Her career began in the early 50's as the first female stylist for Ford Motor Company. She is a former Associate Professor of Metals Graduate Studies at Kent State University and former Chair of the Product Design Dept. at Parsons School of Design, NYC. For the past 34 years, she has taught metals courses at Penland School of Crafts in NC. Since 1996, she has taught metalsmithing at Duke University and Meredith College in NC. She has created many innovations and techniques, such as a series of "Body Monitors" and a "Trach" for the medical community, and a Photo-Etch system for a quick method of surface design. Her jewelry and artworks are in many permanent collections: the Vatican, The Metropolitan Museum, the American Crafts Museum, The National Museum of Art, and The Smithsonian Institute.

After apprenticing with a silversmith in Denmark, Jack Prip began his career teaching in the 50's at the School for American Craftsmen in Alfred, NY, one of the few schools offering fine metalsmithing. He has had a profound effect and influence on the shape of metals education in dozens of programs formed over the next two decades. He has also taught at the Rhode Island School of Design, helping to elevate that program to international prominence. He has been an instructor at the school of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and was Designer in Residence for Reed & Barton. His work is in permanent collections nationwide and he has received numerous awards and honors.

The National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame was established in 1999. It is located at The Arts Center in St. Petersburg, Florida. Awards can be given in four categories: Artist, Arts Educator, Arts Patron and Business Patron. For more information or nomination forms for the year 2003, please contact: National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame, 719 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Or call: Gini Rollins, Executive Director, 727/822-7872.

3/22/2002: SAS Plans Trip to Great Britain in 2004!
Sound interesting? Would you like to fill-out a simple one-minute survey? Please keep in mind that you would have to be an active SAS member at the time of this trip.

1/8/2002: Our New Benefit Supplier for SAS Members!
Polishers & Jewelers Supply Company
675 Atwells Ave., Providence, RI 02909
401/454-2888, Fax: 401/454-2889, Web site
10% off all tools, supplies, and equipment from their Grobet catalog. Call for a free catalog.

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