Emergency Assistance

Do you know a silversmith or
jeweler whose workshop has been destroyed by fire? Do you have
a friend who recently lost their business due to a flood, hurricane,
or financial problems? The Society of American Silversmiths is here
to help them get back on their feet through our discounts and
toll-free number when calling for assistance and advice from SAS
Executive Director Jeffrey Herman. SAS will also donate a two-year
membership to those who have been through a life-altering disaster.
The individual must live in North America.
If you know someone who needs our
help, please e-mail
as much of the following information as possible:
Telephone number
Cell phone number
Fax number
Description of the
individual's plight
Clear images of damage (if available)
Upon receipt of
the above information, Jeffrey Herman will make immediate contact
with the individual in distress and assist in any way possible to get
him/her up and running again.
For additional
assistance, contact:

CERF is a
non-profit, tax exempt organization which provides immediate support
to professional craftspeople facing career threatening emergencies
such as fire, theft, illness and natural disaster. The Studio
Protector Online Guide is the source for emergency preparedness and
recovery information for artists.
Small measures
taken in advance of an emergency, and the right sequence of emergency
response actions, can make a huge difference in reducing loss and in
the time it takes to rebound from a setback. studioprotector.org
Red CrossPicking Up the Pieces after a Disaster
The American Red
Cross has prepared this information to encourage you take precautions
to help keep you safe and speed your recovery after a disaster. You
will also find ideas on what you can do to help make yourself and
your home safer from future disasters.
CancerCare is a
national nonprofit that provides free, professional support services
to anyone affected by cancer. Services include limited grants to
individuals for certain expenses related to treatment.
Free websites that support and connect loved ones during illness
CaringBridge is a
nonprofit organization offering free personalized websites to people
facing a serious medical condition, hospitalization, undergoing
medical treatment and/or recovering from a significant accident,
illness, injury or procedure.
with Disaster: Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
CMHS is focused on
providing resources to aid in the recovery process. Information and
links to assist disaster affected people and those helping them.
Grants from Modest Needs
Modest Needs is a
registered charity that works to stop the cycle of poverty before it
starts for low-income workers struggling to afford emergency
expenses. The organization also provides an online database of other
recovery resources.
Frequently Asked Disaster Assistance Questions
The Federal
Emergency Management Agencys resources and links for those
looking for assistance of any kind after a disaster.
Emergency National Task Force
The Heritage
Emergency National Task Force helps arts organizations and
individuals with preservation resources for disaster preparedness,
response, and recovery.
Business Administration (SBA): Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
resources to help small businesses prepare for and recover from disaster.
Foundation Artisan Relief Program (TARP)
TARP offers grants
up to $5,000 for Tamarack-juried artisans who have been directly
affected by significant disasters such as destructive floods, fires,
etc., and life maintenance grants for necessities, such as emergency
medical, food and housing needs.
Department of Labor - Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Unemployment Assistance provides financial assistance to individuals
whose employment or self-employment has been lost or interrupted as a
direct result of a major disaster.
Visual AIDS
provides direct services to artists living with HIV/AIDS. The Visual
AIDS Artist Material Grants are awarded to Visual AIDS active
members, who are low income artists in need of financial assistance
in obtaining materials for their artwork.
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