The job of a silversmith or any other metal worker demands precision. And this comes with a price if the artisan's hands and arms are called in to provide that precision. With the cooperation of silversmith Jeff Herman, I was able to observe just such an occasion. Jeff informed me that he had been experiencing forearm pain and that this occurred during and after intense concentration with the use of a pulse arc welder. In order to use this device correctly, one has to hold the object being worked on prolonged periods with micro movements. In the following photo, the red ellipse indicates where his pain is located. This pain is caused by a condition called lateral epicondylitis, commonly referred to as tennis elbow.
In this particular case Jeff is asking his muscles to make constant micro movements, where they are at a disadvantage after prolonged periods. Muscles need to adequately contract and elongate in order to pump out fuel waste and bring in fresh fuel. When they are unable to do this, lactic acid builds up in the muscles and connective tissues, creating micro tears. To illustrate, imagine an elastic band that has been burned. Instead of elongating when stretched, its fibers will simply separate and tear. Below is a video of welding a large object illustrating micro movements of the arm.
With this condition of tennis elbow, one can also find pain leading to the thumb because of the radial nerve that lives in the area between the larger extensor muscles of the forearm (see diagram). Treatment Suggestions
How to Avoid this Condition When your work demands a steady hand, give yourself plenty of stretch breaks. Every half hour isn't a bad idea. Try mildly ringing out a towel, raising and lowering a weight (I used a sledge hammer that has a hanging hole in the handle), or squeezing a soft ball to aid in lactic acid release.
Try to keep in mind that your body has limits of endurance. It's an incredibly complex and beautiful organism. With your help, as with any tool, if properly maintained, it will continue to serve you well for many years. Les Hubert is a licensed massage therapist for Michael K. Galvin & Gel Essentials in Cranston, RI. |