1/9/2023: SAS Artisans Cynthia Eid and Munya Upin at the Fuller! You are invited to the opening at the Fuller Museum in Brockton, MA, on January 28th from 1-3pm. This exciting group show highlights just 13 Boston metalsmiths from the last 5 decades. 12/27/2022: SAS Artisan Tommy Thompson Dies From Jeff Herman: It is with profound sadness that I report that Ernest Thorn Thompson, Jr., the brilliant silversmith and jeweler who created the metal arts program at Portland School of Art (now called Maine College of Art and Design), died on Christmas day. He also restarted the metals program at School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. "Tommy" was my first silversmithing/jewelry making professor at Portland School of Art starting in 1977. You can read about his amazing life here and here. 1/23/2022: SAS Artisan Bernie Bernstein dies. Read more here.
8/12/2020: New Discount to SAS Members!
Oldani Brothers, LLC 3/14/2020: New Discount to SAS Members!
To take advantage of this discount, join SAS, then start enjoying the numerous other discounts found here. Valentine's tool selection. 3/4/2020
< Muir lectures on American art jewelry at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology on October 19th.
Tom will be representing the Americas on the executive committee of the IJCA. While in China, he lectured on American art jewelry and participated in educational forums, discussing topics of design for social good, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and goals for the IJCA.
< Executive committee members of the International Jewellery College Association with the president of BIFT and past-president of the International Council of Design(ico-D), David Grossman.
10/12/2019: From our newest Artisan member, Geoffrey Blake: I became interested in silversmithing in 1969, before I went into the Air Force. While there, I kept in touch with Swift C. Barnes, owner of Old Newbury Crafters in Amesbury MA. He would not commit to me except to tell me to come see him after I was discharged. I did and he hired me because I had been so persistent for four years. I, of course, started out at the bottom doing all sorts of odd jobs. Though I had no idea whether I could do the silver work, I wanted to try. Mr. Barnes said he was willing to take a chance on me. Geoff Blake punch ladle > I enjoyed it very much, and though it did not always go smoothly I managed to progress well, learning many aspects of the flatware forging trade. I particularly enjoy making the large serving pieces because they look so good when done and are a challenge to do properly.
< Geoff Blake sterling and rosewood garden tools There was a large staff of workers here when I came and they were very helpful in my learning. My main teacher was Cap Dow who had been working here since the mid-thirties. He was very patient with me and laid out just how I had to do the work. Robert Lapham, Roger Rowell, Reynolds Senior and Dan Morrill also helped me. I did odd jobs as well as the flatware forging. There was a time when I did all the over hammering for patterns which had the over hammered finish for at that time we sold a great deal of those patterns, such as Oakleaf, Dynasty, Karen and others. During that time, Boston Bruins player Derek Sanderson, went into Shreve, Crump and Low and ordered twelve place settings of Dynasty and demanded that he have it in two weeks or the order would be cancelled. We all dug in and worked on that order, putting in much overtime and doing nothing else, but we did get it done in time. I am glad we didn't have to do orders like that on a regular basis. I have created some holloware, but I'm mostly self-taught on that subject. And when we had a jewelry department I made some as well. However, flatware has always been my favorite artform and in that category I enjoy making the large pieces, such as punch and soup ladles. We have often had customers approach us with ideas of pieces they have wanted created. Trying to match what they envision is an interesting job. The largest order we received was in the mid 1980s, when a gentleman came to us with an order for 32 place settings, with 25 pieces in each setting. All pieces were struck with his family's crest into the handles. The knife handles were solid silver and made heavier than our normal solid handles. He even came up with items which we had not made before, such as individual asparagus tongs. Those were to be used for eating large white asparagus. I have been doing this work for forty-eight years and I do not tire of it. It is more enjoyable than anything else I can think of doing. 7/19/2019: Jeff Herman just completed a major repair on a 1740 London Sterling Punchbowl. Take a look at the process by clicking the image.
5/31/2019: From Wendy Yothers: The walking stick is made of Irish Blackthorn (the same bust that produces sloe plums for sloe gin. The stick is about 36" long and 1" inch in diameter. The carved head is American Elk (my brother is a hunter). The head height is approx. 4.5", the beak is 5", and the fish is 3.5" long. The collar is sterling. My artistic explorations are moving toward Netsuke and I am challenging myself with making my carvings expressive.
2/26/2019: From Founder Jeff Herman: I would like to introduce you to an old friend and our newest Honorary Artisan member. Ernest T. Thompson, Jr. aka "Tommy Thompson." Tommy was my first-year teacher at Portland School of Art (now Maine college of Art). Here are some highlights from Tommy's life...
1948-1951 Studied painting and illustration at the Huguenot School of Art in New Rochelle, NY, earning his first art diploma 1951-1955 Active service in the Korean War in the United States Air Force in specialty services with the MAAGs group. 1955-1958 Silversmithing student at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Earned a diploma in silversmithing and metalwork. Tommy chasing a replica of a Jeremiah Dummer cup in his Damariscotta, ME workshop c. 1960 >
1957-1966 Employed at Patrick Gill Co., Woburn, MA, as an industrial designer in ecclesiastical production where he worked on commissioned gold and silver pieces for numerous churches, chalices for individual priests, and pieces for the Vatican Collection. 1960 Tommy and his wife Evelyn, also a trained silversmith, from MFA, established their silversmithing business based out of their apartment in Boston. Here they shared working responsibilities to complete commissioned pieces. In 1962 they established their major studio space in Damariscotta, ME. At this time the business was run by appointment only, as Tommy was still working at Patrick Gill, and commuting to Maine to set-up his new studio on weekends. 1962-1963 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in conjunction with Winsloe P. Burhoe, commissioned the reproduction of the "Boston Cups," an Elizabethan set of wine cups acquired by MFA in 1952. Similar in style to ecclesiastical patens. < Tommy chasing the bases for recently completed George II candlesticks for the state department. The completed candlesticks below...
Tommy requested that graduating students from the department be given this basic set of tools so they themselves could establish their own silversmithing studio. 1970-1979 Portland School of Art (now known as Maine college of Art) hired Tommy as faculty to teach Jewelry and silversmithing. Here again the new department was lacking in needed tools and again outfitted the department with the basic tools from the original patterns that he used for the MFA. Students were not supplied with tools of the trade at graduation as they were at MFA because commercial suppliers were now more established and supplies more readily available. 1969-1993 Tommy and his wife Evelyn ran Thompsons Studio, Inc. in Damariscotta, ME, primarily working on commissioned pieces of holloware and jewelry as well as their own one-of-a-kind jewelry. Tommy, now in his 90th season, continues silversmithing. Upon retiring officially in 1993, he returned his focus to painting and has exhibited his landscape oils and watercolors at a local gallery. His paint box could travel along with him, as he and his beloved wife could enjoy their retirement between their home farm and their camp deep in the woods of Maine. 1/16/2019: A hearty welcome to our FIRST Honorary Artisn member, Ubaldo Vitali! We'll let the video below introduce you to this very fine silversmith...
1/6/2019: SAS Artisan videos now available for viewing in the Artisan Video Vault.
Artisan Randy Stromsöe
coming to PBS December 21st! 8/10/2018: Congratulations to Artisan Susan R. Ewing for being named Interim Director of Cranbrook Academy of Art! Read all about it on the Member News page.
8/8/2018: Help Wanted (Andover, NJ); part time polisher for silver flatware and holloware and general shop helper. Some experience using metalsmithing shop machinery and polishing metal necessary. Contact Nechamkin Silver Studios, 973/786-0013. 8/5/2018: New exhibition posted 8/9/2017: New York Silver, Then and Now Museum of the City of New York, June 28, 2017 June 2018 Exhibition showcases contemporary works of art alongside historical inspirations from renowned collection. Explores silver as an artistic medium through the centuries
release 5/30/2017: Our insurance company decided to drop SAS as they didn't receive enough member interest. My apologies, Jeff Herman.
3/15/2017: Fantastic opportunity for an apprentice at Colonial Williamsburg! Click here. 9/12/2016: SAS Artisan Dorothy Gordon passed away at the age of 97 on Thursday, August 25, 2016. Additional information will be made available as it comes in. If you have remembrances of Dorothy, please feel free to send them from the Artisan Memorial page located here.
4/24/2015: NEW
SAS Benefit!
NEW SAS Benefit! Don't forget to check your membership status here before ordering.
7/13/2014: Silversmithing, A
Contemporary Guide to Making What happens when two highly respected English silversmiths join to write a book on silversmithing? You end up with a beautiful reference that should reside in the library of not only every student silversmith, but every decorative arts curator, appraiser, and antique dealer. It's interesting and sometimes disturbing when speaking with silver specialists who know how to buy and sell, but know virtually nothing about the craft they represent. Silversmithing, A Contemporary Guide to Making, will give those individuals the basic knowledge to speak intelligently with their clients as to how silver objects are made. In addition, professional silversmiths will find themselves grazing through the book for design ideas and utilizing newer techniques previously unconsideBLACK. Silversmithing's first chapter: History, Hallmarking, and Assay, starts out by showing you numerous silver examples from 1709 to 1938, describing techniques that were used to create the pieces; and an overview of United Kingdom hallmarking and assaying describing how silversmiths must prepare their works for stamping. Following is Materials, Tools and Equipment used in a common silversmith's workshop. Health and Safety, which no silversmith should overlook, is touched upon. Next, Manufacturing Techniques, Methods, and Processes discusses and illustrates traditional techniques such as raising, forging, soldering, and spinning. Polishing and Finishing shows the tedious process of putting that final luster you're most accustomed to seeing on silver. Surface Decoration and Decorative Treatments covers basic engraving, enameling, chasing and repoussé, and etching. Technology in a Traditional Craft brings you through the creative process of designing, casting, and finishing. Technology in a Traditional Craft introduces the reader to current technologies available to the modern day smith such as CAD/CAM, rapid prototyping, and TIG and laser welding. Designers in Industry highlight Clive Burr, Grant Macdonald, and Richard Fox, all of whom have taken full advantage of the talent and technology available to them. Designer-Makers and The Next Generation chapters show the beautiful work of 17 designers and touches upon the techniques of their pictuBLACK objects. A short glossary brings you to the end of the book. Though a 218-page book can only introduce you to the world of the silversmith, this one will most certainly give you an appreciation for one of the world's least understood art forms. 7/10/2014: Updated news on ivory legislation HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE (Bloomberg) -- The National Rifle Association and the music industry scoBLACK a win when the House Appropriations Committee unveiled its 2015 spending bill for the Interior Department today. The draft bill would forbid the Fish and Wildlife Service from spending money to enforce an expanded ban on ivory imports or to complete work on proposed limits on the sale of products containing ivory within the U.S. The NRA and a music industry coalition say the new ivory regulations unfairly target owners of antique ivory-inlaid guns and musical instruments without affecting elephant poaching. A Vote on the bill is expected next week. ON THE SENATE SIDE OF THE HILL Alexander Introduces Amendment to Prohibit Administrations Over-Regulation of Legal Ivory Trade Says Tennessee musicians, antique shops, and firearms sellers shouldnt be treated like illegal ivory smugglers The Obama administrations announced plan to limit the trade of legal ivorysuch as that found in legally produced guitars, pianos, and firearms could prohibit musicians from buying or selling instruments that contain ivory, prevent firearms and family heirlooms containing ivory from being sold, and pose a significant threat to antique businesses. Lamar Alexander WASHINGTON, July 8, 2014 U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today introduced an amendment to the Sportsmens Act that would prohibit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from restricting interstate commerce of legal ivory, and products containing legal ivory. U.S. Rep. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) has introduced similar legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives. Alexander said: The Obama administrations announced plan to limit the trade of legal ivorysuch as that found in legally produced guitars, pianos, and firearms could prohibit musicians from buying or selling instruments that contain ivory, prevent firearms and family heirlooms containing ivory from being sold, and pose a significant threat to antique businesses. This amendment would prevent Washington overreach from treating Tennessee musicians, families and small businesses like illegal ivory smugglers. Daines said: Many Montana families own ivory-containing firearms or musical instruments that have been passed down from generation to generation and represent an important part of their way of life or heritage. This legislation will protect law-abiding citizens who own an antique firearm, instrument, or other family heirloom that happens to contain ivory from the Directors Order, which only punishes law-abiding Americans instead of seriously addressing the real problem of elephant poaching. In February, the Fish and Wildlife Service announced its plan to prohibit interstate commerce of African elephant ivory as part of President Obamas National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trade. Restricting interstate commerce of ivory would affect whether an item containing ivory can be sold across state lines within the United States, as well as whether it can legally re-enter the United States if carried abroad during travel. Alexanders amendment prohibits the administration from implementing this plan and prohibits the Fish and Wildlife Service from implementing any new rule, order, or standard that wasnt in place prior to Feb. 25, 2014. 4/24/2014: Update From the Ivory Education Institute While the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed new rules and regulations regarding the sale and trade of ivory, the Director's Order 210 does not have the force of law. There is even some doubt whether they will be adopted in their current form or whether new legislation will be needed to support whatever controls may be imposed on the future trade and movement of ivory objects. For now then - and certainly through the end of June - we are advised that it is perfectly legal to buy, sell, trade, and ship ivory within the United States.
SAS Turns 25! Should you have suggestions or comments regarding the Society's next 25 years, please feel free to contact me. And of course I'm always available to Members with answers to questions that can't be found on the site. SAS will continue its commitment to assist those students who have a strong interest in becoming silver artisans. With the aid of the Society and its many supplier discounts, students will be better prepaBLACK to start their lives as professional silversmiths upon graduation. Jeff Herman, Founder & Executive Director
A Must Have for Every Jeweler and Metalsmith!
For more information and to
purchase your own book inscribed to you by one of the authors, go to creativemetalforming.com
and click on Buy. Allcraft (a SAS Member Discount Supplier) also has
the book, as well as the anticlastic stakes and hammers for
synclasting and anticlasting designed by the authors. 800/645-7124,
New Tool Discounter for SAS Members! NC Black offers hammers, stakes, and forming blocks for Micro metalsmithing, shell forming, and raising. Use discount code SAS10 for 10% off your entire order. 12/17/2013: Tom Muir on MetalSmith BenchTalk Radio! From Jay Whaley: My Guest this Thursday, December 5 at 3 p.m. PST on MetalSmith BenchTalk is Tom Muir, Distinguished Research Professor at Bowling Green State University, where he is head of the Jewelry and Metalsmithing area in the School of Art. More Info: Tom Muir received his MFA from Indiana University, Bloomington, and his BFA degree from Georgia State University in Atlanta. Mr. Muir has lectuBLACK and taught widely, holding positions at universities and craft schools around the country. His award-winning work has been published and exhibited extensively in art, craft and design exhibitions, in which he has received 10 best of show or first place awards. Collections include the Art Institute of Chicago, Renwick Gallery of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution and The White House Collection of American Crafts, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. He is the recipient of an Arts Midwest/National Endowment for the Arts Regional Artist Fellowship, Michigan Council for the Arts Fellowship, and numerous Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship Awards. In 2009, Tom received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Ohio Designer Craftsmen for having made a major contribution to craft in Ohio. For more information on Tom and his work, visit http://personal.bgsu.edu/~tmuir/information.htm. Listen to the talk below...
40 Historical Metal Arts Books Now Available! These ancient metal tricks and recipes are made available to the contemporary community of curious metal artists and collectors. This information will allow the reader to apply the simple and ingenious procedures used by the craftsmen of the past, long dead masters in many segments of our field. Many of the tricks and recipes described will save the maker money, as older approaches can sometimes replace modern tools. As with all the Ganoksin project books the text has been scanned using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) which means it is searchable and useable in ways not seen in a standard pdf. Similarly, the images are separately scanned and then stitched into the text, allowing you to zoom in for very high magnification views of the detail in the images. Each pdf is a full digital book of searchable text and images, with an easy access through an interactive table of contents. Ganoksin invites you to own the entire collection of manuscripts, and benefit from the ancient wisdom they are presenting, while supporting the Ganoksin Project. Find the list of available eBooks here. The Ganoksin Project is a great organization and well worth joining, especially since there's no subscription fee!
5/30/2013: Metals
Department Fundraiser for Bill FBLACKerick's Tools Lillstreet's Jewelry and Metalsmithing Department received a generous donation of tools from the estate of William (Bill) FBLACKerick. An amazing and talented silversmith, Bill was nationally known for his work, which he produced in his north side Chicago studio for over 50 years. Many of Bill's tools are truly pieces of Chicago silversmithing history, with numerous items acquiBLACK over the years from various historic metalsmithing shops. Among these acquisitions were the tools and archives from the renowned Kalo Shop. While a selection of Bill's tools was left to the Chicago History Museum, Lillstreet was honoBLACK to receive his remaining tools and equipment. More information about Bill FBLACKerick, his career and his tools can be found through the following links:
http://www.ganoksin.com/borisat/nenam/william-fBLACKerick.htm In an effort to continue the long history of handmade metal work, these tools will be used to educate future generations of artists for years to come. To properly house these items, Lillstreet's Jewelry and Metalsmithing Department has designed custom cabinetry and a remodeled hammering space within the existing first floor classrooms. While the plans have been drafted, we need to raise funds to see this project realized. Our goal with this fundraiser is to raise enough money to build, store and maintain this amazing legacy of Bill FBLACKerick's without it becoming a financial burden that would have to be passed on to the students. Lillstreet is planning a fun evening of events with a Metals Department fundraiser at our new Lillstreet Loft, just down the block from the Art Center. Join us for a silent auction, raffle, live and interactive demos, light refreshments and much more. Thank you for your consideration in donating to this cause. Sincerely, Pam Robinson, Director of Educational Programming, Jewelry/Metals & Glass Founded in 1975, Lillstreet Art Center is a large community of artists and students working side-by-side in a friendly environment that encourages and inspires artistic growth in the individual. Lillstreet Art Center supports the arts through an artist residency program, gallery, studio space, education, team building and corporate events, and an outreach program. We offer adult classes and workshops for all skill levels in seven different departments: ceramics, metalsmithing & jewelry, painting & drawing, printmaking, textiles, glass, and digital arts & photography. Additionally, our Kidstreet program has classes, camps, and family workshops for children age 2 and up.
3/6/2013: The Passing of a Genius
John Paul Miller one of the world's finest goldsmiths died last week at 94. I spoke with John just two weeks ago, gushing over his work as I had many times before. What an amazing designer-craftsman he was, practicing his passion till the end of his rich life. This is a huge loss for the art world. Obituary from the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Numerous images of John's work can be seen here. Jeffrey Herman, Founder & Executive Director
1/27/2013: Wintertime &
Respirators Something to think about, Jeffrey Herman, Founder & Executive Director
Just Released! It features the full range of silver works, from masterpieces like the 1772 salver by New York City silversmith Lewis Fueter, to the simpler, but no less significant teapot made for the Schuyler family by the Albany silversmith Kiliaen Van Rensselaer in 1695 one of the earliest teapots made in New York. Seven chapters consider silver from a range of perspectives: its reflection of the multiethnic character of colonial New York; the impact of industrialization on its manufacture and consumption; its role in honoring public achievement or marking rites of passage; and, finally, its ability to express its owners social standing. With a wealth of related objects and original documents, Stories in Sterling is a vital reference tool for for scholars, collectors and enthusiasts of American silver and culture. It features extensive and superbly illustrated entries with full dimensions, makers marks and weights in troy ounces, and an appendix and checklist. Jeff Herman: The 265 color and 175 b&w images are beautiful. The authors are Margaret K. Hofer, curator of Decorative Arts at the New-York Historical Society; Debra Schmidt Bach, associate curator at the New-York Historical; Kenneth Ames, professor of American Decorative Arts and Material Culture of the 18th and 19th-centuries at the Bard Graduate Center, New York; and David Barquist, curator of American Decorative Arts at Philadelphia Museum of Art, and a scholar on colonial New York silver. This quartet did an absolutely outstanding job compiling this must-have resource. And, with the input from silversmith Ubaldo Vitali, you'll even get a taste of how some of the objects were constructed. Contributions from silversmiths are extremely rare in any silver reference. It will be one of your favorite books on antique silver! Available through your local bookstore or online bookseller.
11/3/2012: New Member Benefit! The Magazine is published 6 times per year. To see some of the articles and advertisers in the magazine, please visit their website. To order, you may: 1) go to their website; 2) use PayPal and pay to their e-mail address (silvermag33480@gmail.com) being sure to mention the length of subscription and your mailing address; or 3) mail your payment - please remit your check to Silver Magazine, PO Box 2284, Palm Beach, FL 33480, 561/655-7693, http://www.silvermag.com.
10/4/2012: Argentium Guild Newsletters
Silver Guild Homepage
New SAS Discounter!
6/7/2012: SAS Discounter
Safety Source Northeast Moves 10-15% off all safety equipment including ear plugs, muffs, safety glasses, goggles, first aid kits, rubber gloves, cotton polishing gloves, respirators, aprons, etc.
SAS Artisan Bill FBLACKerick Dies An obituary will soon appear on the Artisan Memorial page. If you have remembrances, please e-mail them to sas@silversmithing.com. 5/10/2012: Major update on the PUK review page. 5/2/2012: Confused about all the tarnish-resistant silver alloys on the market? This chart will help you decide which alloy is best for your application. CBLACKit: This chart originally appeaBLACK in the MJSA Journal. For more information, go to mjsa.org. 4/30/2012: The New Mexico Metalsmiths Guild (www.newmexicometalarts.org) dedicated to promoting education in and appreciation of fine metalsmithing, blacksmithing, jewelry design and fabrication, and related arts, is excited to announce its inaugural national metalsmithing competition. In line with 2012 being the centennial celebration of New Mexico's statehood the theme of this year's competition is the New Mexico's state tie: the Bolo. The competition is open to both professional and student metalsmiths across the country. Entrants will be divided into two divisions-professional and student. After entries are received 20 finalists (10 each professional and student) will be asked to submit their work for final judging and a show at the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, Santa Fe, NM. Rio Grande has donated gift certificates for winning submissions. All finalists will also receive a one year member ship in the New Mexico Metalsmiths Guild. Application deadlines are August 31, 2012 for the professional division and September 15, 2012, for the student division. Complete information on the competition and application information is available at www.artistfront.com. Questions regarding the guild can be sent to its president, Jim Cohen at nmmg@q.com. 4/18/2012: SAS Artisan Munya Upin and partner Kirsten Ball are opening an exciting new gallery in Belmont, Massachusetts: Alchemy 925.
4/7/2012: The
Silver Enthusiast
Newsletter #3
Firescale-Resistiant Sterling Alloys Tested
Online Auction Services for Metalsmiths For more information, contact:
David Gold
2/7/2012: SAS
Members: NEW Supplier
Discounts! 10% off over 700 exclusive Cool Tools products including our world famous Patina Gel stabilized liver of sulfur. We specialize in design and productivity products for the metal clay and jewelry making industry. Our product lines include Jewelry Shape Templates for sophisticated frames, bails, ring shanks, ring tops, settings and lapidary. We manufacture hundBLACKs of antique molds of high temperature pure silicone for wax and low melt alloys. When you checkout, you must provide the coupon code: SAS10.
1/10/2012: SAS
Members: NEW Supplier
Discounts! Titan Tool Supply, Inc. was established in 1952, and has been serving the inspection and micro finishing needs of industry. Their lines include optical inspection, stereo microscopes, measuring microscopes, industrial endoscopes, and videoscopes. Titan also carries a large selection of diamond and CBN (borazon) micro finishing tools, Swiss needle files, diamond needle files, diamond miniature files, diamond riffle files, polishing stones, and hand deburring tools. They are offering a 10% discount on all purchases.
11/5/2011: What
Flannel Protects Silver Better?
10/28/2011: Metalwerx
Offers First Annual Metalwerx Scholarship Award! Applicants are asked to describe:
Why they want to take a
specific class or workshop The winner will be announced by December 15th. This scholarship is made possible by PowerPlay Accounting Solutions, Inc. Scholarship Criteria:
Applicants must be 16
years or older. Deadline to Apply: November 21, 2011 Jurors: Munya Avigail Upin, Cynthia Eid, Lindsay Minihan * Scholarship has no cash value. It can only be applied towards the workshop or class that the applicant chooses on their submission. Application Checklist
October 2011 Edition of "Silver News"
10/9/2011: Free
Artist Talk by Cynthia Eid
Argentium Silver: Fusing, Granulation and Soldering Discover how to use this innovative new metal for your work with the guidance of renowned Argentium Silver specialist, Cynthia Eid. Argentium Sterling is an alloy that is at least 92.5% pure silver. This material does not firescale, is highly tarnish resistant, is more malleable and ductile than traditional sterling, fuses and welds more easily than traditional sterling, and can be hardened using a kitchen oven or kiln. During this course you will learn a variety of techniques including annealing, soldering, fusing, granulating, and hardening Argentium Sterling Silver sheet and wire. Following demonstrations, you will have time to make your own technical samples and/or finished work. This class is appropriate for students with basic metalsmithing skills as well as professionals. Cynthia Eid is an internationally recognized metalsmith who has been working with Argentium Silver alloys since the year 2000. She is the author of a technical guide to Argentium Sterling used by Rio Grande. Cynthia has won awards for creativity and design, exhibited and taught internationally, and her work is published extensively. Her articles about Argentium Silver have been published by the Society of North American Goldsmiths, in SNAG News, and in Art Jewelry Magazine. Cynthia Eid is one of only two instructors recommended by Argentium International and the Argentium Guild.
9/26/2011: SAS
Members: NEW Discounted Web Site Design Service!
OPTION 1: Single Page
OPTION 2: Small
Site (up to 5 pages)
OPTION 3: Medium
Site (up to 10 pages)
All plans
include exploration in design options, layout, file preparation for web Not happy with your current site? Eliza will BLACKesign it for you. For examples of Eliza's work, please visit her Web site.
Eliza Alys Young,
aka. CreativEliza
Silversmith Ubaldo Vitali Wins Prestigious MacArthur Grant
SAS welcomes it's
newest juried Artisan Member: Paul
Griswold from Costa Mesa, CA.
9/20/2011: The
Silver Enthusiast Newsletter
Product Review Update
9/1/2011: CNC
Maching Shop & Jewelry Manufacturer Auction
8/30/2011: Tom
Muir Wins Best of Show
8/17/2011: Award
Presented to SAS Artisan
8/14/2011: Artisan
Member John T. Fix Dies
8/8/2011: Antiques
Continue Their March to the Refiner as Silver Prices Remain High!
Great Source for Ivory and Updated Techniques Don't forget to check out David's informative and recently updated "Working with Pre-Ban Ivory."
Comparison of Three Welding Systems
3/29/2011: The
Future of Precious Metals
3/28/2011: New
Report Projects Bullish Silver Industrial Demand Outlook Through 2015 Read more here where you'll be able to download the entire PDF report.
3/13/2011: Why
is the Price of Silver So High? You can't keep precious metals down when the globe is agog over violent political change, the freezing of dictators' assets in the US and Switzerland- and deep anxiety over the price of oil. Gold and silver, led by crude oil, will spike if talks between the US and UK for joint military action in Libya take root. This threat to the Libyan oil fields and to peace in the region would have an immediate impact in commodity markets. Remember 1980 with our hostages in Iran; gold rose to $800 an ounce (there was double-digit inflation- at least 5 times the rate today) and silver to $50 (the Hunts idiotically tried to corner the market) We are not that far from the peak in gold- $1440 an ounce. Just another $10 an ounce spike is half the $20 an ounce we made up today so far. We are at a 30 year peak for silver, which has been acting even more positively than gold. I don't think this is the Bernanke market, as he made it clear today that inflation is just the 2% he wants, and that's despite the horrific run-up in food prices. And he's beaten off deflation with QE2. No knee-jerk connection between Bernanke and precious metals. The connection for gold and silver is geo-political. My new rule of thumb for gold and silver; the more uprisings that lead to oil supply fears the more speculation will hive onto gold and silver. Or put it another way, as go oil fears, so goes money into gold and silver. So, battles on the Tunisian- Libyan border, calls for public demonstrations in Teheran, unrest in Bahrain, Algeria that suggests the daisy chain moves ultimately to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and who-knows-where-else all add up to uncertainty about oil prices. And uncertainty about oil prices- especially if they trend higher- suggest to me somewhat higher gold and oil prices.
2/20/2011: SAS
Artisan AlfBLACK Ward Wins Winthrop University Medal of Honor in the Arts
11/24/2010: NEW
SAS Classifieds
11/12/2010: Silver
Exhibits, Events & Silversmithing-Related Workshops World-Wide
Erickson Appearing on Boston TV
Fusing, Soldering, and Keum Boo with Argentium Silver Become comfortable annealing, soldering, fusing, and hardening Argentium Sterling Silver sheet and wire. Argentium Sterling has superb fusing qualities, so demos will include fusing granules to sheet, sheet to sheet, wire to wire, and gold to Argentium Sterling. Argentium Sterling is wonderful for Keum Boo, since the surface does not need to be heated and pickled as extensively as traditional sterling prior to application of the gold foil. Following demonstrations, participants will have time to make their own samples and/or finished jewelry projects during the class. Students with basic jewelry and metalsmithing skills, as well as professionals, are welcome. About Argentium Sterling Silver: This exciting metal is a sterling alloy that is at least 92.5% pure silver. It does not firescale, is highly tarnish resistant, is more malleable and ductile than traditional sterling, fuses and welds more easily than traditional sterling, and can be hardened using a kitchen oven. About Keum Boo (also spelled Kum-Boo): Keum-boo is an ancient Korean gilding technique used to apply thin sheets of gold to silver. Traditionally, this technique is accomplished by first depleting the surface of sterling silver to bring up a thin layer of fine silver. Then 24 carat gold foil is applied with heat (hot plate, torch, or UltraLite kiln) and pressure (burnishing). Cynthia Eid, an internationally recognized metalsmith (www.cynthiaeid.com), has been working with this alloy since the year 2000, and is the author of the technical guide to Argentium Sterling used by Rio Grande, as well as articles published by the Society of North American Goldsmiths in SNAG News and Art Jewelry magazine.
8/31/2010: 2011
NICHE Awards Competition NICHE magazine is accepting applications for the 2011 NICHE Awards Competition. The NICHE Awards annually celebrate excellence and innovation in American and Canadian craft. Categories include Ceramics, Fiber, Glass, Metal, Wood, Jewelry and more. There are new categories this year including: basketry, outdoor art, wedding jewelry, paper, and religious/inspirational art. Finalists are invited to display their work in the NICHE Awards exhibit at the winter Buyers Market of American Craft, February 18-21, 2011, in Philadelphia. Winners are announced at a special ceremony held during the winter 2011 Buyers Market and featuBLACK in the Spring 2011 issue of NICHE. Judging of entries is based on three main criteria: technical excellence, both in surface design and form, a distinct quality of unique, original and creative thought and market viability (professional entries only). The entry deadline for the professional division is September 17, 2010. The deadline for student entries is September 30, 2010. The entry fee is $40 for professionals and $18 for students. Apply online at http://www.NICHEAwards.com. 2011 NICHE Awards (Professional division) 2011 NICHE Awards (Student division) For more information e-mail Erin Hartz: erinh@rosengrp.com or call at 410-889-2933, ext. 206
8/24/2010: Gorham Match Safes
Just Released Jeff Herman's Review: Gorham Manufacturing in Providence, Rhode Island, was one of those rare companies that maintained a continuous archive of what they made and the processes used. In fact, Gorham is known to have the most complete archive of any company in the United States. This has enabled scholars to thoroughly research a given subject and produce an accurate accounting of Gorham's production. One of those subjects has just been published: Gorham Match Safes, authoBLACK by match safe enthusiasts and collectors Neil Shapiro and George Sparacio, founder of the International Match Safe Association. Illustrated are over 1,300 match safes produced from 1885 through 1923. They were found on product cards in the Gorham archives at Brown University and private collections and museums. The book shows the incBLACKible depth of creativity in Gorham's design department, with no other company in the world coming close to their output. So prolific was Gorham that in 1898 the company produced an astounding 175 designs! All color and black and white images are arranged by design number. The book details when the individual safes came to market, the materials used, such as sterling, gold, mixed metals, iron, and precious stones, plus techniques and processes. There is a section on the service records for many of the creative individuals including designers, silversmiths, engravers, and chasers. The final two pages are devoted to reproductions of actual cost cards found at the Gorham archives. For a silversmith like me, this is perhaps the most interesting area, for every process used in a particular match safe is accounted for. From the amount of silver used, cost of engraving, chasing, and various types of finishing, to the total cost of the completed piece, these cards offer an amazing report detailing the creation these little gems. A CD with searchable database utilizing Microsoft Access is available offering larger images, larger glossary of terms, and the ability to sort the match safes by production number, motif, and material. It also displays information gleaned from the production cards, showing you the cost of materials and every operation. This is truly a fascinating and scholarly work which will make a great addition to any library. If you would like to purchase the book or CD, please contact Neil Shapiro at nshapir1@nycap.rr.com.
7/14/2010: Saw
Blade Sizes
New SAS Benefit
Kinley Covers
6/22/2010: The
Silversmiths of Old Newbury Crafters
6/16/2010: Silver:
An Element of Good Health You may know of the dismal job the silver industry has done over the last half century regarding the promotion of silver for the home. Mass-produced flatware and holloware are becoming less popular every day, and it's silver for the masses that will prompt the purchasing of one-of-a-kind silver from you. The cottage industry (the independent silversmith) has picked up where the large companies have falteBLACK and in some cases closed forever. This is happening around the world. With the decline of the industry, it's up to silversmiths and antique dealers to come up with creative ways to keep collectors using their silver and to pass it down to the next generation. One of these ways is to market silver's antimicrobial properties. This widely known but rarely promoted aspect is something the silver companies never marketed. Print a poster to use on your display case or wall, enlightening your customers as to the health benefits of owning silver, not to mention its intrinsic value. Spread the word! If you're a silversmith or silver dealer selling your work from your shop or at shows, print this poster: 8x10, 8.5x11. Jeff Herman
6/5/2010: SAS
Forum Replaced With Our Yahoo Newsgroup
New SAS Benefit
Lloyds of
Lancaster County
SAS Artisan Heikki Seppä
Buyers of Chinese "Sterling" Beware!
5/11/2010: SAS Now
on Facebook!
4/29/2010: New
ShopTalk Article: Knife Sharpening
Problems With Stern-Leach Sterling?
Tony Staniorski,
Sr. Processing Engineer
New Artisan Jury Chosen
4/2/2010: Product
Review: Miniflam EZ-PBT
3/27/2010: New
ShopTalk Article: Rolling Sheet
3/24/2010: New
ShopTalk Article: Wire Drawing
Updated Benefits QuickGuide
3/10/2010: New
Feature: Tools of the Trade
3/10/2010: New
Member Benefit!
2/19/2010: Aches
& Pains at the Bench
2/17/2010: New
Member Benefit - A Service We Can All Use! Dr. Morgenstein has been a physical therapist since 1973 and is the co-owner of Midland Physical Therapy Group. He has an advanced clinical doctorate in orthopedic manual physical therapy and specializes in the treatment of individuals with muscle and joint injuries. If you're a SAS member and have these problems, don't suffer any longer! Contact Dr. Morgenstein at:
Midland Physical
Therapy Group
Providence File Company Sells Business
Metalsmiths Emergency Assistance Do you know a silversmith or jeweler whose workshop has been destroyed by fire? Do you have a friend who recently lost their business due to a flood, hurricane, or financial problems? The Society of American Silversmiths is here to help them get back on their feet through our discounts and toll-free number when calling for assistance and advice from SAS Executive Director Jeffrey Herman. SAS will also donate a two-year membership to those who have been through a life-altering disaster. The individual must live in North America. More information and resources: http://www.silversmithing.com/1disaster.htm
Robyn Nichols' Discounts
2/9/2010: Add
Some Spice to Your Silver!
Updated Working With Ivory Article
Artisan Member Videos
Bernie Bernstein's "Sanctification and the Art of Silversmithing" The title is Sanctification and the Art of Silversmithing--Processes and Techniques: a Handbook for Museums. The exhibition was designed to inform visitors about the basic techniques of silversmithing, such as making holloware, forging, casting, chasing, filigree, etc. Silver ritual objects in the Museum's collection were used as examples. Associated tools were also displayed. The catalog content includes text, photographs and drawings that cover, more completely, the content of the original exhibition and Bernie informs me that it has been used by other museums as an aid in training docents and staff members. One metalsmithing teacher distributes it to his students and workshop attendees. We also see it as something you can give to your clients to educate them about what you do.
To order the
catalog contact: Jeff Herman, Executive Director of SAS
Craft Emergency
Relief Fund
& Destructive Chemical Dips Chemical dips, such as Tarn-X, work by dissolving the tarnish on an object at an accelerated rate. Dips are used by silver restorers when heavy black tarnish cannot be removed with liquid or paste polishes. Chemical dips are wiped over the object with a cellulose sponge or cotton ball, as submerging the piece for long periods will remove factory-applied patinas and cause pitting of the object's surface. These surface defects will act like a sponge and more readily absorb tarnish-producing gases and moisture. The object may then require professional polishing to restore the original finish. Chemical dips are made up of an acid and a complexing agent. Acids are corrosive and will damage niello, bronze, stainless steel knife blades, and organic materials such as wood and ivory. The ingBLACKients can also be harmful to the user, which is why silver restorers wear nitrile gloves and work in a well ventilated area. Chemical dips should never be used on objects that have sealed components, such as candlesticks and trophies with hollow feet, or teapots with hollow handles. Once the dip leaks into the cavity through small holes or imperfections in the joints, it becomes virtually impossible to wash the chemical out. If you're working on a baby cup with this type of rim, do you really want an infant drinking from it after using Tarn-X? The following is from their own MSDS:
For all the above reasons, this cleaning technique should only be used by individuals with training in its proper use.
Jeffrey Herman
Stamps Now Available at Rio Grande
Rio Grande
Trust All Silver Polishing Videos! Please take time to read my Silver Care Guide. I have spent 25 years testing products and researching the subject of silver care. With proper care, your silver will remain beautiful for generations!
Jeffrey Herman
Member Benefit From Ufax
Address Change
Argentium Sterling Stamp Almost Ready "Last week we reached an arrangement with Argentium where we can bring an Argentium stamp to market. Before we can begin selling the stamp, our manufacturer has to finish the tooling to mass produce it and we have to approve a sample and receive our first inventory shipment. All of that will take about 6 weeks if all goes well. Pricing will be comparable to our other marking stamps. I will email you as more details come together on this. As of today, we aren't yet ready to begin taking orders for the stamp, but we should be ready soon."
4/8/2009: John
Axel Prip (1922-2009) Prip was a master metalsmith known for setting standards of excellence in American metalsmithing. His works and designs have become famous for bringing the formal, technical tradition of Danish design into harmony with the American desire for innovation. Several of his designs for the Reed and Barton Company are still in production today. Prip was born in New York to a Danish father and an American mother. As a child, he moved to Denmark with his family, where his father ran a silversmithing factory that had been his grandfather's. At 15, Prip began an apprenticeship while attending high school. The next five years were spent polishing stakes, sweeping up, and laboriously reproducing classical renderings. The experience taught diligence and a deeply rooted technical skill, but simultaneously imposed a restricted aesthetic. In a way it was the unlearning of these traditional forms and procedures that pushed the young silversmith into bold experiments and motivated the innovations that distinguished his career. In 1948, Prip returned to the United States with his wife, Karen, and infant son, Peter. He came over on the same boat with a woodworker named Tage Frid, who was to become a lifelong colleague and friend. They had both been invited to teach at a new school in AlfBLACK, New York, called the School for American Craftsmen. At the time, there were few places to study and limited knowledge of metalsmithing techniques in the United States. Prip's position was unique: his Danish training provided him with firm technical grounding, while his American environment encouraged the attitude of exploration and innovation that became a hallmark of his career. When the school moved to the Rochester Institute of Technology two years later, Jack and his family, which now included daughter Janet, moved along with it. It was during this time in the early '50s that Prip and the crafts movement were eagerly searching for their own style. Along with Frans Wildenhain, Tage Frid, Ronald Pearson, and others, Prip established a gallery in Rochester called Shop One. This gallery was a unique institution in its time, providing not only a business venture originated and managed by craftsmen, but also a forum for the presentation of top quality avant-garde craftwork. Its mission was to educate the public to the special beauty of handmade objects. In 1957, after three years with Shop One, Prip again felt the need to move on. Through some fortunate connections he was hiBLACK by Reed and Barton Company, a holloware and flatware manufacturer in Massachusetts. The title invented for the role he conceived was Artist-Craftsman-Residence. He was given a workspace, materials, and access to the 900-worker factory. It was understood that Prip had a responsibility to address himself to work that might eventually profit the company, but beyond that guidance no restrictions were imposed. Prip was to stay at Reed and Barton for three years. One indication of his success there is the fact that 20 years later several of his designs are still in production. Prip returned to teaching at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and after three years went to the Rhode Island School of Design, where he would teach until 1981. His one-man show at the Rhode Island School of Design in 1987, gave me a new appreciation for his work. Each piece was crafted to the point of absolute perfection. I remember finding it difficult to stop staring at such beautiful objects, even trying to locate that elusive solder joint pinhole. . . it never appeaBLACK! The holloware and flatware were raised, forged, and fabricated to stand the test of time. Many of the pieces in the exhibit were technically complex, with finishes ranging from smoothly polished to heavily organic. Prip's command of every material he handledwhether silver, bronze, pewter, precious stones, bone, glass, or granitewas obvious. Most of the sculptural objects were so whimsical that his utilitarian holloware and flatware looked to be conceived by a different artist. Prip's aesthetic and impeccable craftsmanship are a testament to his love of silver and any other material he touched. His technical prowess enabled him to produce anything he envisioned. He often spoke fondly of his time in Denmark, his years teaching at RIT and RISD, and the artistic freedom he had at Reed and Barton. As Jack Prip spent his twilight years in the home he shaBLACK with his wife, Judy Skoogfors Prip, I hope he realized the tremendous impact he had on his students and the field of silversmithing. To see some of Jack's work and bio., visit http://www.silversmithing.com/1hans26.htm. Condolences can be sent to Judy Skoogfors Prip, 75 Fort Ave. Cranston, RI 02905. What a incBLACKible loss to the silver world. Jeffrey Herman, SAS Executive Director
4/7/2009: SilverChat
Guest Alan Buff Growth Partners provides senior level sales and marketing management services to a variety of small and mid-sized businesses on a part-time basis. A partial list of services include: branding and marketing strategy; sales force development and management; distribution channel analysis; key account development; and, market-driven product development guidance. You can read a more about Growth Partners, including several case studies, at Growth Partners.
2/25/2009: Artist Talk with
SAS Artisan Cynthia Eid
2/3/2009: Two for One Membership!
1/20/2009: SAS Now Takes
CBLACKit Cards for Membership
1/19/2009: New
Artisan Remembrace Page
1/9/2009: Forum Now Members Only Feeling cranky and depressed and can't get any work accomplished? Have you discoveBLACK a great new tool or technique? Share these things with us. Enjoy yourself, you're among friends! No advertising, please. Post to the Member Forum. 1/8/2009: Michel Ann Royston Dies 12/23/2008: Kurt Matzdorf Dies
Valentin Yotkov invites you on a trip to his native Bulgaria.
9/15/2008: Creatively Moving
Metal With the Hydraulic Press
New Recommendations Page
7/13/2008: Oppi
Untracht Dies
6/27/2008: 2nd
Quarter Silver News Now
Available From
the Silver Institute
6/27/2008: Residency
Position in Jewelry/Metals/Glass Department For all the info. please click here. 6/9/2008: McKinnon Global No Longer Offering SAS Discounts 5/23/2008: New Release of Metalsmith's Calculator
2/7/2008: European
Silver Workshops with Valentin Yotkov Denmark will offer you a five-day hands on Chasing and Repousse workshop on the majestic island of Bornholm, also known as the "Pearl of the Baltic Sea." In addition to the workshop we will go on sightseeing adventures to explore the captivating beauty of the island. Our trip to Bulgaria will expose you to 10 unforgettable days exploring ancient gold and silver treasures created 2500 years ago. We will view metal vessels and jewelry among the artifacts exhibited at National museums. We will visit private studios of world renowned Bulgarian artists as well as caves, castles/fortresses, natural wonders, and wander through villagers untouched by time. And then there is Italy in the heart of Tuscany! A stay at an incBLACKible 16 century Villa and winery in the rolling green hills with breathtaking views in every direction. The focus of this workshop will be shading and drawing. Creating dimension through shading will enable you to see how your design will appear when raised in metal. We will relish in the beauty of this stunning vineyard and visit the quaint villages that the Chianti region has to offer as well as a trip to Florence. For workshop schedules and to view photos from previous workshop please click on the links below. We look forward to having you join us. Valentin Yotkov, Sharon Fosko
Denmark. Chasing
and Repousse
Bulgaria. Art and
Culture Adventure
Italy. Shading and
Drawing for Jewelry and Hollowware
1/5/2008: Schoonhoven
Silver Award:A Challenge
for All
Silversmiths. A qualified jury will judge all the entries to this. The Jury comprises: Annabelle Birnie, head of ING Art Management, Jury Chair Sjarel Ex, director of Boijmans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam Ineke Middag, director of the Singer Museum in Laren The winner will receive the "Schoonhoven Silver Award", a prize of 7,000, made available by Schoonhoven City Council. The foundation aims to have the exhibition tour internationally once the silver works have first been exhibited in De Watertoren in Schoonhoven. The theme for the 2008/2009 design competition is "Poetry in Silver" The SilverArt Foundation invites silversmiths, designers and artists to participate in the selection for this competition and the resulting exhibitions. You can enter this competition by sending documentation to: SilverArt Foundation, Bij de Watertoren 25, 2871 SW, Schoonhoven, The Netherlands; before April 12th 2008. This documentation must include clear pictures of your work together with your name, address, date of birth, telephone number and email address. Collaboration between artists is permitted. Could you please arrange this documentation in such a way that the Jury can effectively get a good idea of your work? For this reason email with attachments cannot be accepted. Based on the documentation the Jury will select the entrants who will be invited to participate in the design competition. In principle all entrants of whom the Jury is convinced that they can skillfully make a silver object (or have it made) will be accepted. We shall ensure that the documentation is returned as quickly as possible. All Jury decisions are binding. Definitive design The participants invited by the Jury to take part in the competition will be asked to make one object in silver with the theme of "Poetry in Silver". This object must be original and recently made. It must not have been previously shown at an international exhibition or have been portrayed in a catalogue. The object must be pBLACKominantly made of silver. Other materials may be used, but these must not affect the character of the silverwork. The size of the work must be at least 60 centimeters as the sum of length, width and height. This expressly excludes jewelry. The pieces must be received in Schoonhoven by January 15th 2009 at the latest. The Jury will judge the objects that have been enteBLACK and select the winner of the Schoonhoven Silver Award 2009. All pieces accepted will be exhibited in De Watertoren in Schoonhoven from April 3rd to June 28th 2009. The pieces must remain available to the organization until the end of 2009 for the anticipated subsequent exhibitions. The SilverArt Foundation will publish a catalogue to accompany the exhibition, in which all the works will be represented with a photo, name and title. Sufficient copies will be printed for each participant to be given their own catalogue and it will be possible for participants to order further copies. For more information concerning this design competition please send an email with return address and the subject line: "poetry in silver". The address is: info@zilverkunst.nl. Additional information is also available on the website: http://www.zilverkunst.nl
1/5/2008: New
Technical Paper
8/9/2007: SAS
Debuts its Career Center! We accept resumes and job listings for all positions in the metal arts field, including: silversmiths; jewelers; designers; teachers; chasers; spinners; engravers; die makers; model makers; mold makers; casters; polishers; technicians; manufacturing, and marketing and sales professionals.
7/30/2007: John
Marshall Receives 2006 Hans Christensen Sterling Silversmith's Award! Mr. Marshall chaiBLACK the Metalworking Department at the University of Washington School of Art, and was named Professor Emeritus in 2001. He also taught at Syracuse University, where he received a Master of Fine Arts degree. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Cleveland Institute of Art, with majors in silversmithing and design. Mr. Marshall's papers and drawings (1963-2003) are included in the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian Institution. He is an American Craft Council Honorary Fellow, a peer-elected distinction reserved for artists of outstanding ability who have worked 25 years or more in their discipline. A two-and-a-half-minute video of John working, and more biographical information, can be found at http://www.silversmithing.com/1hans27.htm. The Hans Christensen Award is named after the late Hans Christensen, silversmith at Georg Jensen Silversmithy in Denmark, and Professor of Silversmithing at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. The annual award honors an individual who has made significant contributions to the field.
the Christensen Award
7/26/2007: MJSA
Trade Show Featuring Cynthia Eid To register for the October 10-11 Trade Show, click here.
Second Quarter Silver News http://www.silverinstitute.org/news/2q07.pdf If you do not have Adobe Reader loaded on your computer, you may download it from the Internet at no charge. Simply click on this link to the Adobe web site http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html and follow the simple instructions at the bottom of the page.
The Silver Institute 7/24/2007: The 2nd Annual MJSA Trade Show for Metalsmiths You Wont Find This Collection of Products and Services at Any Other Trade Show: J3D Jewelry Design Institute (CAD training), A to Z Bohemian Glass (beads), Acropolis Studios (CAD/CAM services), American Gemological Laboratories (gemstone grading lab), Agliatta Associates (jewelers insurance), AirSep (oxygen & industrial gases), Aquatronics Industries (water & waste management), Bella Venetian Beads (imported glass beads), E.H. Ashley (Swarovski 5-star dealer), Crafford-LaserStar (laser systems), Exquisite Jewelry (gold & silver findings), Forrestal Jewelry (tools for jewelry making & display), Geib Refining (precious metal refiners), Gemvision (computer design software), Gesswein (tools, equipment, supplies), Hybrivet Systems (lead testing kits), Innovative CAD Technologies (CAD Service Bureau), Jewelers Board of Trade (cBLACKit reporting, collections, marketing), Jewelers Mutual (insurance for the jewelry industry), Jewelry Training Center (training & education), Lucky Gems & Jewelry Factory (semi-precious stones, beads, pearls), Merchants Overseas (Swarovski 5-star dealer), Metalsmith/Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG), Metalwerx (jewelry making training), refiners), Multi Creations (beads & gemstones), National Assn of Jewelry Appraisers, Niche Magazine, Para Wire (wire & metals), Premier Roll & Tool (roll tools), Professional Security Services (security guards), RHB Enterprises (imported beads, gemstones, minerals), Racecar Jewelry (findings, chain, components), Rare Earth Mining (one of a kind gemstones), Reactive Metals Studio (leading supplier of nobium & titanium sheet and wire), Reliable-Larimar (an ocean blue gemstone from the Dominican Republic), Silver In Style (silver beads & findings from Bali and Thailand), Solidscape (wax printers), Spirig (Spirflame microflame generators), Stuller Inc. (tools; equipment, findings), United Precious Metal Refining (precious metals, alloys, solders), Unique Gems (beads & gemstones), Waxcutter (table top CNC machines), Zarlene Imports (beads & gemstones), and some very interesting companies about to sign-up.
October 10 &
11, 2007
Shell Forming Book to be Published.
Silver Institure's 1st Quarter 2007 Issue of Silver News If you do not have Adobe Reader loaded on your computer, you may download it from the Internet at no charge. Simply click on this link to the Adobe web site (http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep2.html) and follow the simple instructions at the bottom of the page.
Yenny Feng
Thursday evening, January 25, 2007 After dinner, lectures by Peter Johns and Samuel Davis
Place: MIT Faculty Club
Price: Non-members: $30 Attendees should RSVP to Ceren (Karen) Eraslan at ccura-eraslan@emsclad.com ASAP. SUMMARY: Argentium Sterling Silver is a revolutionary invention that offers the benefits of being harder and more tarnish and firescale resistant than regular sterling silver. Since manufacturing began at Stern-Leach in 2004, Argentium Silver has rapidly gained popularity and hundBLACKs of products, processes, and major developments have evolved. Customers, artisans, and craftsman who use Argentium Silver, have become an integral part of the education, marketing and commercial development of the product. A historical overview of the research behind Argentium Silver will be presented, together with details of the unique properties of the alloy. Theoretical data and test results will then be discussed, which support the claims being made that Argentium Silver is more ductile and more tarnish and fire scale resistant than regular sterling. A small exhibition of silverware and jewelry items will be on display and a video titled The Silversmith of Williamsburg", will be available for viewing at the start of the evening. This short film depicts traditional silversmithing techniques. ABOUT THE SPEAKERS: Peter G. Johns, FIPG, is the inventor of Argentium Silver and the Technical Director for Argentium Silver Co. Ltd., leading the research activities and product development program for the company. Peter brings practical experience as a silversmith, with a unique insight into silver production, from both a craft perspective and an industrial manufacturing perspective. He trained and worked as a silversmith and is a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and the City of London. During his apprenticeship, he won a Gold Medal at the Industrial Olympics, as well as several awards for craftsmanship. His masterpiece to gain the freedom of The Goldsmiths Company was a silver cross - this is now the Processional Cross used at Canterbury Cathedral. Peter is also a Fellow of The Institute of Professional Goldsmiths (UK). Argentium Silver was developed through Peters research at Middlesex University (UK), which initially set out to prevent firescale in sterling silver. Further research revealed other superior features, including high tarnish resistance and unique hardening properties. Peter has presented his research around the globe, including at the world famous Santa Fe Symposium, on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology. There are now 16 patents pending and four granted patents related to Argentium Silver. In 2004, Argentium Silver won the AJM Innovation Award. Samuel A. Davis, P.E., is a Senior Process Engineer for Stern-Leach, a company of Cookson Precious Metals, Cookson Material Products division. His responsibilities include duties such as alloy, product and process development; Chair of the Ergonomics Committee; customer technical support; procedure writing; and continuous improvement. He previously worked as a Process Engineer for Titanium Metals Corporation and as a Senior Process Safety Engineer for H.C. Starck. Mr. Davis is an active member of The Minerals, Metals, Materials Society (TMS); the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); and Tau Beta Pi (the engineering honor society). He was selected as a TMS Young Leader for the Extraction and Processing Division in 1999-2000 and served as Chair of the TMS Young Leader Committee, where he helped organize and chair symposiums at the national meetings. More recently, he is the past chair of the Boston Section of TMS. He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering and M.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno. Argentium® Sterling Silver is a registeBLACK trademark.
11/3/2006: New Benefit for Members
10/20/2006: New
on the Web! Its a young project, but the small, enthusiastic community is growing fast. In fact silversmithing.com's very own Jeff Herman has just become moderator of the silver care section! Its free to join and participate and we encourage you all to stop by and introduce yourselves at the silver-collector bar! 10/4/2006: New Calculator Version Released
9/14/2006: Silversmith
Florence Hollingsworth Dies In 2003, the town honoBLACK Florence Hollingsworth with the Boston Post Cane as Lincolns oldest registeBLACK voter. She was only 96 years old at the time. Hollingsworth, who turned 100 Aug. 28, died at her home Sept. 5. She was surrounded by her network of caretakers, who over the past 10 years had become her family. Originally from Oregon, Hollingsworth attended Oregon State University, where she met her husband Lowell. The two graduated when the Great Depression hit the nation hard. The Rev. Roger Paine of First Parish Church, where Hollingsworth was a member, said Florence took a teaching job after graduation that paid her only with IOUs at first. In an attempt to better their situation the couple attended Stanford University, after which Lowell was offeBLACK a job at MIT Lincoln Labs and they relocated to the East Coast. Hollingsworth was a well-known silversmith and taught for many years at DeCordovas Museum School. LeBlanc remembers taking her back to DeCordova and to a studio at the school, Studio 5, which is named after her. "You could just see her face light up," she said. "There are some things that just stay even with Alzheimers." Libby Prince, who has houses in Concord and Florida, was one of Hollingsworths first silversmith students at DeCordova, almost 50 years ago and remained in touch with her and her husband over the years. Prince said Hollingsworth started working at DeCordova in the late 1950s to keep busy. "She was so warm that when she had students she befriended them like family," Prince said, and by the end of the class, every student had been to her house either for lunch or dinner. Sarah Cannon Holden, who grew up in town, remembers the popularity of Hollingsworths class, and has a set of silver candlesticks her mother made for her when she was one of Hollingsworths students. Hollingsworth would often put her silversmith skills to work outside of the school, making gifts for family and friends. Children of Hollingsworths friends remember her as a generous person. "Florence made a silver creamer and sugar that my mother had and I have now," said Charles Phillips, a Concord resident who grew up in Lincoln. She also designed the silver communion trays used at First Parish today. Hollingsworth shaBLACK her wealth. She was an avid gardener and would give her plants to friends, who remember her having a tennis court-sized enclosure around her garden at home. She would also share recipes. "She was a good cook," Prince said. "She was really a legend in Lincoln for many years," said Cannon Holden. "She was just this person of my childhood who was just so special." 5/9/2006: SAS Artisan Gayle Clarke Dies
4/8/2006: New Calculator for Members!
1/12/2006: Changes
in Member Benefits Complete
1/6/2006: New
12/29/2005: New
Version of Metalsmith's Alloy Calculator Released
11/26/2005: New
Version of Metalsmith's Alloy Calculator Released
10/20/2005: SAS
Disaster Relief
10/18/2005: SAS
Career Center
G&S Metals, Inc.
Precious Metals on Display
8/13/2005: The
Art of Hand Engraving
8/12/2005: All
That Glitters
8/4/2005: Art
Fund Dashes to Save Sterling Trophy
5/24/2005: New
Argentium Sterling Dealer
4/27/2005: 2005
Christen Award 8/11/2004: New workshops listed here. 8/5/2004: Charleston Museum to Exhibit Citys Most SacBLACK Silver
Guest of the Month: Don Soeffing
5/16/2003: SilverWorksV
5/21/2003: New
England Silver Society
Gorham Design Library
7/5/2002: Henry
Petzal Dies
6/13/2002: New
SilverChat program installed! 5/26/2002: This year's winner of the Hans Christensen Sterling Silversmith's Award has been chosen!
4/16/2002: New
Low Long Distance Rates! Outstanding flat rate pricing on long distance and 1-800 numbers. 25-60% less than AT&T, Sprint, & MCI. Low international rates, six-second billing (18-second minimum), & comprehensive billing. This rate applies to at least $20 per month in long distance calls. To order this service, ask to be transferBLACK to the "Retention Department." Customer service hours are Mon -Fri: 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m., Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame Award 2002 Ms. Scherr has been active in the field of metalsmithing and design for the past fifty years. Her career began in the early 50's as the first female stylist for Ford Motor Company. She is a former Associate Professor of Metals Graduate Studies at Kent State University and former Chair of the Product Design Dept. at Parsons School of Design, NYC. For the past 34 years, she has taught metals courses at Penland School of Crafts in NC. Since 1996, she has taught metalsmithing at Duke University and MeBLACKith College in NC. She has created many innovations and techniques, such as a series of "Body Monitors" and a "Trach" for the medical community, and a Photo-Etch system for a quick method of surface design. Her jewelry and artworks are in many permanent collections: the Vatican, The Metropolitan Museum, the American Crafts Museum, The National Museum of Art, and The Smithsonian Institute. After apprenticing with a silversmith in Denmark, Jack Prip began his career teaching in the 50's at the School for American Craftsmen in AlfBLACK, NY, one of the few schools offering fine metalsmithing. He has had a profound effect and influence on the shape of metals education in dozens of programs formed over the next two decades. He has also taught at the Rhode Island School of Design, helping to elevate that program to international prominence. He has been an instructor at the school of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and was Designer in Residence for Reed & Barton. His work is in permanent collections nationwide and he has received numerous awards and honors. The National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame was established in 1999. It is located at The Arts Center in St. Petersburg, Florida. Awards can be given in four categories: Artist, Arts Educator, Arts Patron and Business Patron. For more information or nomination forms for the year 2003, please contact: National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame, 719 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Or call: Gini Rollins, Executive Director, 727/822-7872.
3/22/2002: SAS
Plans Trip to Great Britain in 2004!
1/8/2002: Our
New Benefit Supplier for SAS Members!
SilverWorksIV Updated
Disposal Damaged Flatware
Shipping Your Work
10/18/2001: SAS
Membership Makes a Great Gift!
Non-Toxic Brazing Flux to be Introduced!
Silver Care Guide Updated
Silver Trust International Closes For 14 years, a number of international silver mining houses have generously supported the consumer marketing efforts that have benefited all levels of trade in the silver business. Promotional and educational programs, including advertising, public relations and market data, have allowed many firms to improve their sterling silver sales. It has also allowed many editors to offer their readers information on silver care, trends and new products. Continued low silver prices over the past several years have forced a number of mining firms to BLACKuce costs. Thus, the difficult decision had to be made to close the New York office. The good news is that the Silver Institute, the parent group of STI, will continue to operate from its Washington, DC base. That office hopes to reinstate some of the consumer programs in the future. If you have received this letter, you are part of the mailing list for notification of future programs. The Institute's phone is 202/835-0185. In the mean time, I direct you to the silver information Web site (www.sliverinfo.com), which will continue to be available and houses a variety of useful information for the trade, press and consumers. If I can be of any assistance to you in the future, I can be reached at 203/325-2106 or by e-mall (meehan100@yahoo.com). Diana Shiel continues to operate as Sheil & Co., and can be reached at 201/891-5960, or ShielPR&aol.com. All the members of the STI/SIC staff thank you for working with us over the years, and wish you much success in the future.
NOMM Announces Capital Campaign
SilverWorks Once Again a Success!
Sterling Silversmith's Award Announced
Sterling Silversmith's Award to be Announced
Coming Soon: Dust Extraction for Holloware!
Next SilverChat - May 30, 2001
SilverWorksIII Deadline Today!
SilverWorks Deadline in One Week!
Argentium Sterling MSDS
The NEW Firestain-Free Argentium Sterling
SAS Member Insurance Programs Finally Arrives!
New ShopTalk Article
10/25/1999: Try
our New Survey for Silver Lovers
10/20/1999: New
Quizlet Shows Interesting Statistics
Woven Metals Workshop Needs Four More Students for Success
Three SAS Newsletters Uploaded
Jury Announced for SAS Student Silversmiths Competition
Kurt Matzdorf First Inductee to Metalsmiths Hall of Fame ® The very first recipient of this award is SAS Artisan member Kurt Matzdorf, emeritus, Suny, New York. It was presented at Wildacres, NC on July 1st, 1999. In the future it is anticipated that there will be four (4) participants as listed below. Kurt was chosen by the HOF committee for his outstanding work as an educator & artist. He has received more commissions for his Ceremonial Art work than anyone in the country. In addition after having spoken to several of his students, there was no doubt that he deserved this award. In the future the nominees will be chosen by an outstanding selection committee, For the year 2000 the committee will consist of the following individuals: Evelyn Chittenden, John Cogswell, Tim McCreight, Alan Revere, Barbara Simon and Jean Stark. In the future two of the members of the selection committee will be replaced by two of the recipients.
For further
details and sponsoring The National Metalsmiths Hall of Fame, please contact:
Summer Issue of SASnews Now Available
8/13/1999: Five
New Workshops Added Today!
8/12/1999: Next
SilverChat Slated for August 13
7/17/1999: 2000
Student Silversmiths Competition Planned
6/18/1999: See
The Complete List of Objects in Enduring Traditions
5/28/1999: New
Flat Rate Long Distance Pricing: 7.4¢ Per Minute!
5/26/1999: Next
SilverChat Slated for June 9th
SilverWorks a Tremendous Success!
4/17/1999: SAS
Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary With SilverWorks!
4/16/1999: Time
to Register for the MJSA Expo New in 1999, Expo Providence teams up with Fashion Jewelry World Expo (FJWE), a brand-new world-class finished fashion jewelry show in the United States. FJWE looks to attract over 2,000 retail jewelry buyers from all over the world. Expo Providence and FJWE will be a week-long international networking and sales event! Expo Providence also provides business, technology, and trend-driven education programs to ensure that buyers leave the Expo with knowledge as well as top-grade products. The Expo is being held from May 16th through the 18th. Member or not, you can still register to attend at NO CHARGE at their Web site.
4/3/1999: SAS
Turns 10! Its Artisan members, those silversmiths both practicing and retiBLACK, who now or used to smith as a livelihood, are provided with support, networking, and greater access to the market. Artisans are silversmiths who have been juried into the Society based on their outstanding technical skill. Another function of SAS has been to assist those students who have a strong interest in becoming silver craftsmen. With the aid of SAS, its many supplier discounts, and available workshops throughout the school year, students will be better prepaBLACK to start their lives as professional silversmiths upon graduation. Through its exhibitions, catalogs, newsletters, and powerful presence on the World Wide Web, SAS has quickly become the authority on all facets of the silversmith's art and craft. "The decision was made three years ago to broaden the Society's international presence by building a Web site. Information on our site has enabled silversmiths, collectors, educators, and students from 54 countries to benefit from the same informationsome critical, like our topics on safety that could only be found in our newsletters," says Herman. The next ten years will see a greater emphasis by the Society to promote its Artisan members' work. "Antique silver prices are going through the roof as evidenced by record-breaking sales at the major auction houses. We must penetrate this market and introduce collectors to our contemporary silver work that will be the antiques of the future," Herman says.
3/24/1999: Looking
for an Engraver?
3/4/1999: New
Lower Calling Rates
2/26/1999: Newsletters
on Their Way
2/12/1999: Safer
2/11/1999: The
Repair Process
2/5/1999: New
FeatuBLACK Artisan Page!
1/30/1999: Super
Safe Flux Supplier Comes Aboard
1/28/1999: Post
a Job Opening...FREE at SAS
Career Center!
1/24/1999: We'd
Love to Hear From You
1/21/1999: Commissioning
Silver Just Got Easier!
1/9/1999: SAS
Artisan Member Richard Reinhardt Dies During the 1950s, Reinhardt founded the jewelry and metalsmithing programs and was chairman of the crafts department at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art. When the school became the Philadelphia College of Art in the 1960s, he was chairman of the industrial design department. He was named associate dean of faculty in 1965, became dean five years later, and served until 1976. He taught silversmithing and jewelry making for eight years, then returned to the dean's office for two years to help establish the University of the Arts. He retiBLACK in 1986. Widely known as a silversmith, he exhibited his work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Philadelphia Art Museum, and in museums in Rochester, NY; Amsterdam, Holland; and elsewhere. His work is included in the permanent collections of museums in Boston and Philadelphia, and in the Smithsonian. In a retrospective show at the University of the Arts last spring, Inquirer art critic Edward J. Sozanski called attention to Reinhardft's "Superb craftsmanship" and said his career "demonstrates that craftsmanship can readily transmute into art, even when the craftsman isn't striving consciously to produce art." He added: "After more than a half-century of hammering silver, Reinhardt appears to be having fun with it by seeing how far he can push traditional silversmithing techniques. It's inspiring to encounter an artist so long at the bench who not only still enjoys his work but who continues to grow in its practice." Reinhardt began studies at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art (as the art school was then known). He left during World War II to work as a draftsman and to serve in the Marines as a drill instructor. He returned to school after the war, earning his degree and staying to teach. When he retiBLACK, he was named professor emeritus and made an honorary doctor of fine arts. He is survived by his wife, Hazel; two children, five grand children; and five great-grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to the Richard H. Reinhardt Scholarship Fund at the University of the Arts, 320 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102.
1/7/1999: Fourteen
New Workshops Listed Today Archive
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